Bob's Bug - The Seats

As mentioned in the last post, this seat installation was something of an afterthought for Bob. Seeing him trying to squeeze into the orginal seats was justification enough for this modification. Rather than drill and bolt the new seats to the original seat tracks in a haphazard fashion, I decided to do the right thing and fabricate new seat mounts, custom sized for the Honda seats, retaining the Honda seats' built-in adjustability. The pictures show me removing the original seat tracks, removing the rear mounts from the seats, and drilling and welding threaded inserts into the new seat mount bars (2 x 2 x .125 wall thickness steel. After my first fit-up I realized the seats would be a shade low. I also had some clearance issues with the brake line and the wiring harness. I decided to cut 30 degree angles on the ends of the new mounts, then weld 2 x 1 steel underneath, to get the correct height. Once this was complete I bolted the seats to the mounts temporarily and tacked them onto the floor. Then I removed the seats and fully welded the new mounts and welded in the holes left by the removal of the original tracks.
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