Vanessa's Birthday Weekend - Worth Waxing Poetic
Friday, June 8 dawned with the threat of severe thunderstorms. Although the heavens opened for a while in the evening, we weren't around to experience it. You see, shortly after work on Friday I hitched our new utility trailer (in 12' flatbed mode) to Vanessa's Escape and we headed due south-east, destination: Middletown, NY. Sunday's surprise visit by niece Courtney made the weekend even better including some time on the water. Read on:
In the quaint town of Middletown lives a man named Eric
Whose garage was too full for him to bear it.
He answered my want ad on The Samba dot com
For a Speedster replica for Vanessa (Ashley's Mom)
After many phone calls a deal was struck
We'd tow it home in two trips behind Vee's truck.
It was even more glorious than I could have dreamed
As it glistened in the sunlight, Vanessa beamed.
The money traded hands and the trailer was secured
Followed by 7.5 hours of driving with my rearward vision obscured!
Customs wasn't too pleased with the sight of a car clone,
But level heads prevailed and they threw me a bone.
We got it home to our garage with the sunset hot on our heels
Where it's awaiting arrival of its chassis and wheels.
The weather kept getting nicer and by Sunday we knew
I'd be hitting lake Scugog with my good ship and crew.
For two hours the Merc toiled over waves and weedy goo
Burning a whole tank of gas and some 2 cycle oil too.
A dinner followed at Crabby Joe's Port Perry
Then a nightcap at home made it all the more merry.

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