Long Overdue April and May Updates
Wow. I've been a little lax with the updates. Nearly two months have passed, as have many events in our lives!
Starting in late March we pulled our Westfalia camper out of storage and started to prepare it for a long trip. In early April we left Oshawa with our friends Stacey and Bryon, headed due South to Myrtle Beach, SC. We were driving our '76 Westy, loaded with camping gear, warm weather gear, and our Weimaraner. They were driving their '75 Westy, loaded with their camping gear, lots of propane bottles, and their horse of a Goldendoodle... In the course of a week we made it to Myrtle Beach State Park for a few days, then on to Everybus 2007 in Greensboro, NC. The trip covered 2350 miles. The weather was (naturally) colder than usual. We drove through quite a blizzard in New York State. Although it warmed up considerably thereafter we experienced record lows in Myrtle Beach. I still made it for a dip in the Atlantic with the dogs though. Here are some pictures:

We returned with a lot of laundry, and a laundry list of projects for the bus. Vanessa spear-headed this initiative because of how much we enjoyed the trip. Many of these projects are complete and will be written about in the VW Tech Blog... Check over there (http://ad-libs-vw-technical.blogspot.com/) to see details soon.
The weather upon our return was outstanding. Vanessa needed to take some pictures for work and we headed to Orillia to capture some technical shots of our boat around the 22nd of April. I was motivated by the great weather and put the boat in the freshly-thawed lake. The hour long run was an absolute blast. See here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmDKUrlqpdU
The idea of a new car was playing on my mind in the weeks and months leading up to our trip. Over the trip I mulled it over and decided against the overly expensive luxury cars I was considering (i.e. Audi A3). When the Hyundai started to act up again in the weeks following the trip I bit the bullet and made a deal I am very happy with... I picked up an '05 Pontiac G6 GT, fully loaded. I am happy because it's a very comfortable and reliable car, it performs well, and it will be CHEAP to fix down the line... Here's a pic from when I first got it. I've since removed the ugly sunroof deflector and added a hood bug deflector:

Just this weekend we attended the Michigan Vintage Volkswagen Club's annual show in Ypsilanti, Michigan. We traveled with Stacey and Bryon once again and we let Bob Weber and his son lead the way in their pristine Vanagon Westy.. The show was as good or better than last year, but the weather was considerably better making it an all-round better trip. Our lakefront site at the KOA was great and so was the company. My compliments to Stacey from whom I've "stolen" a few of these pictures.... A good time was had by all:

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